Three Reasons You Might Need to Hire a Cat Sitter
3 Aug 2020.
Cat sitting is for more than just holidays. Cat owners might naturally think of booking a cat carer while they’re planning a trip, but sitters can provide vital support for many occasions. Below, Cat in a Flat looks at three of the main ways we know hiring a cat sitter can help.
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1. Hire a cat sitter when you’re going on a trip
The most popular reason to hire a cat sitter is for when you are out of town. Cat carers can help whether you’re on holiday, a work trip or going to see family. You might be away for one night, or a few weeks, a cat sitter can care for your furry friend for as long as your trip lasts. Cat minders can tailor their cat sitting service to your requirements. Before you leave, you should talk to your pet sitter about what you and your cat need.
If your kitty needs more attention, you could hire a cat sitter to stay overnight. Owners who are away for an extended period might also want to consider an overnight sitter – if not for every day then for the occasional night here and there. Not only will your kitty get more time for cuddles and play, but an overnight sitter also make your house look occupied.
Most cat sitters would also be happy to take on other responsibilities around the house while you’re away. Extra tasks could include watering the plants, picking up the post or even caring for another pet. Make sure to check in advance that your sitter is happy to take on these tasks and what effect it will have on their fees.
While you’re preparing for your vacation, read Cat in a Flat’s list of the ten ways to prepare for your cat’s care before you go away.

2. You have an older cat or young kitten who needs extra attention
An excellent reason to hire a cat sitter is if you have an elderly cat or a kitten. It might not occur immediately to cat owners that they should hire a cat sitter if they’re not away from home. But if your cat requires extra attention because of their age, you can ask a cat babysitter to visit during the day while you are at work.
Kitten care
A cat minder can pop in during the day to check your naughty kitten hasn’t got itself into trouble. They can also spend quality time playing with a young cat to stop them getting bored. While a kitten is growing and forming her personality, you should surround her with loving, playful people as much as possible. If you work long hours, a daytime visit is especially important. Kittens under four months shouldn’t be left alone for more than four hours. Between four and six months, kittens can be alone for up to five hours. Young cats older six months should be fine without supervision for up to eight hours. Booking some cat sitter playtime is the perfect way to make sure your kitten has the attention needed.
Older cat care
Elderly cats tend to sleep a lot, so probably won’t be craving playtime during the day. However, older cats might suffer more with environmental factors or health issues and need someone to regularly check they’re okay. Senior cats can also get clingier and seek out more attention as they grow old. Asking a cat sitter to drop by during the day means your cat can have the daytime cuddles they crave.
Note: Recently adopted cats of all ages will also benefit from a cat sitter visiting during the day. Cats who have just moved into a new environment may need extra socialisation to settle. Kitties whose previous owners spent most of their time at home will especially benefit from daytime visits.
3. You or your cat are ill
If you or your cat are ill, hiring a cat sitter can provide essential support during a difficult time.
If you are ill
A cat sitter can help with tending to your cats’ needs if you are struggling with illness. Cat carers will go beyond feeding your furry friend and cleaning the litter tray. Cat sitters are cat lovers who will also spend time playing with and cuddling your cat. While you concentrate on getting better, a cat sitter can spend the time you don’t have looking after your kitty.
Similarly, if you have to go to the hospital, a cat sitter can look after your cat while you’re away. Cat sitting is a professional, paid-for service, meaning it’s one of the most stress-free and reliable ways to guarantee excellent care for your cat.
Important! If you are diagnosed with Covid-19 or have any of the symptoms, please read our guidelines on what to do. Cat sitters will not be able to come to your house while you are self-isolating.
If your cat is ill
If your cat is ill and you have to be away from home for any period of time, you should also consider hiring a cat carer. Sick and recuperating kitties might need regular supervision and will be comforted by the presence of another person. You can also search our database of cat sitters to find one experienced in administering medication if necessary.
Now you know the top three reasons cat owners might need to hire a cat sitter, find out Cat in a Flat’s top tips on how to pick the right carer.
- #kitten care
- #socialise kitten
- Cat Care
- cat carer
- cat sitter
- cat sitter service
- cat sitting
- kittens
- older cats